Important Dates

Move-In to our temporary space | Mid-to-late September

The Basics

Based on our current pattern of growth, as well as current ministry and logistical needs, we are renovating our existing facility to accommodate the following:

  • Security | Added Security for our Preschool and Children’s spaces
  • Functionality | Increased functionality in our atrium and programming space.
  • Modernization | Overall modernization of our facility.
  • Capacity | Increased seating capacity for our worship center.

The Goal

Our goal is to accommodate up to 500 people weekly in this facility over the next 3–5 years.

Key Updates

  • Approved! | The Maury County School Board has graciously approved our request to use Riverside Elementary as our temporary relocation facility. Thanks to all those involved in that decision and to each of you for your prayers.
  • Move-In Date | We are tentatively shooting for Mid-to-late September as our first Sunday at Riverside. This could change based on construction schedules. We will keep you posted.

Volunteer Teams

Thanks to all of you who signed up to serve on a team. Your team leader is assessing the response and working with us to determine the next steps. You can still sign up today to join our volunteer teams.

Sign Up

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are we going?

  • We’re using Riverside Elementary as our temporary relocation facility.

How long will we be there?

  • We will be at Riverside Elementary for 6–9 months.

What are the service times?

  • Our service times will stay the same, at 9:30 & 11:00 AM.
  • We will also offer programming for Preschool, Children, Students, and one on-campus Adult group at 9:30 AM.
  • Worship Care for Birth–3 Years Old will also be available at 11:00 AM.

Will there be regular West End Wednesday programming while at the school?

  • There will be no regular Wednesday activities at the school.
  • However, Student Ministry (grades 6-12) activities will continue week to week at various venues. Be watching the calendar, the Student page, and your inbox for that info.
  • We are also planning some church-wide Wednesday night events during the fall as space allows to keep us connected.
  • We are also working on non-traditional Bible study options for Wednesdays at various venues. Details to come as soon as they are available.